Friday, August 10, 2012

Routines, Lines, and Potatoes

Week one of school - successful and completed! I love my new students. The first week was busy and filled with all the first week things: learning routines, getting books organized, remembering how to line up, putting together binders, learning where to put homework and how to head a paper. And of course, we read Scaredy Squirrel! The squirrel is back and has become the most popular person (ok, animal) in the class.

One fun lesson that we did this week was talk about immigration in Social Studies class. We talked about when different countries immigrated to the U.S. and the reasons for it. When we talked about Ireland and the potato blight, we tried peeling potatoes and discussed what it would be like to eat only potatoes for a long time, and then to have even that food gone.

The new stars of 4th grade

One more thing to share with you this week. Thursday morning I woke up to.... another flat tire! That makes #4 in the last half year. Right now the spare is on... we will see about getting everything fixed up tomorrow. 

We are off to a great start and I am looking forward to next week as we begin more curriculum and settle into routine. 



  1. I'm wondering who changed your tire? If you did it yourself - bless your heart. We will pray for no more flats!

    Love you -
    Aunt Christine

  2. You should get a book about REAL squirrels - like Andrew and Pearl.

    Just sayin.........
