Wednesday, March 28, 2012

New Car

I apologize for my lack of blog correspondence. We have not had internet at our apartments for over two weeks, creating some chaos in the matter of entering grades and corresponding with parents and blogging!

However, I have a lot to talk about, and all of it good. First things first, God has provided me with a car! Just what I had been praying for: in my price range, automatic, newish, good condition. Already it has given me freedom and helped alleviate the problems caused by sharing one vehicle between five teachers. Thank you, Lord, for your provision in big things and small.

Semana Santa (Holy Week) vacation starts half day Friday. My students are beyond excited for a break, and I am looking forward to it myself. My friends and I are going to travel to Costa Rica for some time at the beach, rainforest, volcanoes, and Taco Bell. Yes, Taco Bell.

Tomorrow I am leading Chapel, and I need to put a couple of finishing touches on the lesson. Topic = Generosity


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Bears vs Gold E. Locks

Suspense filled the air. 
The 4th graders were going to court. 

Case: The Bears vs. Gold E. Locks

The Bear family is unhappy that a young girl broke into their house, used their things, and slept in their beds. Gold E. Locks protests that the door was open, and combined with the delicious smell of porridge floating out the door, was clearly an invitation to come in. Besides, she wanted to figure out the porridge recipe and give it to her dear mother!

What a fun day in 4th grade this was. My students took on all the roles in a court room and acted out a readers' theater to help them learn about the purpose of court and what the different people in a court room do.  

The courtroom
Being sworn in

The questioning begins!

The wanted to know if we were going to do the courtroom everyday. So cute. 


Things are officially getting very hot here. No rain, lots of wind, and dust, dust, and more dust. 

Thank you for your continued pray and support as I teach my 4th graders! 

Much love,