Saturday, January 21, 2012

Teeth & Tears

Last week was multiplication week. Before my students could enter or leave my classroom they would have to correctly answer a multiplication fact. Friday was the big day - the oral multiplication fact test. I told the 3rd grade teacher about it, who told me they were going to begin basic multiplication soon. So in class the next day she warned her students that next year they would have to know all their multiplication facts because Miss Eberly was going to give them a big test. One of the students burst into tears! This is the first time I have ever made a student cry - and a future student at that. Yikes. Hopefully they will start practicing this weekend... 

My fourth graders kept it equally entertaining this week.
Thursday's morning journal prompt: "How many teeth have you lost?"
One student's answer: "I hate teeth. You have to wash them." 

I have a prayer request: 
The second week in February the 4th - 6th graders are going on an over night retreat. Our theme is the Amazing Race and we will be talking about Hebrews 12: 1-3.  
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
The other two teachers and I are new to NCA so we have never led this retreat before. We will have challenges like on the show the Amazing Race that will push the students and encourage team work, but our overall goal is for them to grow spiritually. I will keep you update as the retreat approaches. Also, if you have any great ideas about what challenges we should do, please pass them on. Thank you!

Time for me to get on with my Saturday night (aka grading papers). 


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today President Daniel Ortega was inaugurated for his third term as president of Nicaragua among protests and celebrations. Iran's Ahmadinejad also dropped in for a visit today to attend the inauguration and meet with the President before he finishes his Latin America tour. More news here:

Thankfully, where I live is generally out of the way of the protests and political rallies that go on. On my way home from school tonight there were some protesters on our street that blocked up traffic for a while, but besides that it has been calm on my side of town.

Please pray for stability and peace in Nicaragua!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Suppose God...

Tomorrow school starts up again. My classroom is clean, reorganized, and ready for my class of now 18 students. Two new students start tomorrow!
I enjoyed my break but I missed my kids and I am eager to get back to teaching. We are starting multiple digit multiplication and for some reason I am really excited to teach it. Plus I know my students received some new books for Christmas and now we can all share and talk about the new things they are reading!

Here's a review if you need to practice your multiplication as well...

Earlier this week I was reading in My Utmost for His Highest something that has stuck with me all week and I thought I would share it with you here:

Have you been asking God what he is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you who He is. Do you believe in a miracle working God, and will you go out in surrender to Him until you are not surprised an atom at anything He does? Suppose God is the God you know Him to be when you are nearest to Him - what an impertinence worry is!

Have a great week!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Feliz Año Nuevo

Very Happy New Year! I have almost been in Nicaragua for half a year. I am looking forward to seeing my students again next week as they return from vacation. I believe God has some good things in store for them as they continue to learn, learn, learn in 4th grade.

Since school has been out, my roommate and I have been doing some serious sight seeing and just got back from a lovely beach trip.
Yay beach!

Ready for a top five of my Christmas vacation?

Number Five:
Visiting Laguna de Apoyo

We lounged around the crater of Apoyo Volcano 

Number Four:
Sleeping. Man, I love to sleep in. I'll spare you a picture of this one.

Number Three:
Seeing sea turtles at San Juan del Sur

San Juan del Sur is a beach town, known for fishing and surfing. The 2010 season of Survivor was filmed on  a couple of the beaches there. I enjoyed lounging on the beach, but the best part was seeing sea turtles. My roommate and I went on a trip to a nature reserve on one of the beaches. We were told we would probably just see some baby turtles, because the turtle season was almost over. We got a treat! We saw a mother turtle dig a nest and lay about 15 eggs and then make the long trek back to the ocean. We saw newly hatched baby turtles dig themselves out of their buried nest. Then we followed the babies as they made their way to the ocean. It was amazing.

Only one in one thousand turtles make it to adulthood. It is hard enough just for the babies to make it to the ocean. First of all, its a pretty long journey for the little guys who are just learning how to use their flippers. The turtles also face the risk of egg poachers, the babies can get trapped in crap holes, or other animals can eat them.

Momma turtle on her way back to the ocean

The nest before the momma turtle buries her eggs
Babies on the long trek to the ocean

Number Two:
A very Nica Christmas

After Christmas Eve service at church, my roommate and I joined one of our fellow teachers at her in-laws house to see Christmas Nica style. Imagine a crazy fireworks display at midnight with fireworks that would never be allowed in the U.S., Christmas chicken shortly after midnight, followed by early morning opening presents. We made it back home around 3:00 am!

The street after the fireworks

Rebecca, Kelly, and me

Number One:
Visiting Leon

Three summers ago I studied abroad in Spain. I loved the history, castles, and cathedrals. I had a little flash back to that when I visited the city of Leon, Nicaragua. There is a large cathedral in the town square and we got to do some exploring on the roof top.

Christmas Vacation Bonus:
Egg nog in a juice box.

Many blessings on your New Year!
