Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Delights

Now that it is December and the Christmas Season is here, I feel like Thanksgiving was a long time ago and that this post is already out-dated even before I post it. Apparently it was just over a week ago, so I will continue on with my thoughts.

Even though Thanksgiving is a U.S. holiday, we celebrate it at NCA. We put on a Thanksgiving program and put a huge emphasis in the classrooms on what it means to be thankful. Since we have been in the poetry mood in the 4th grade, we memorized a poem, created some actions, and presented it during our part of the program.
Reciting "Thanksgiving Delights"

The video is a little unfocused in parts, but it will give you an idea of what it was like. I love how they all remembered to wear their fall colors!

We had a couple of days off for Thanksgiving, some my roommates and I headed up to the mountains. We stopped in Jinotega where we helped bake and serve Thanksgiving dinner at an orphanage.

The potato peeling masters
The Feast
We left lots of kiddos with full bellies!

Some were unsure about the green bean casserole...

Everyone helps with the morning chores - feeding the chickens, cleaning up the yard - even the little ones.

The big kids go to school in the afternoon and the little ones stay and get lessons in the morning.
I could go on about the orphanage, but I think these pictures and their precious little smiles say enough. God has his hand upon them.

Next stop on our weekend adventure: Matagalpa. We stayed on a coffee plantation, and let me tell you, it was beautiful. I am continuously taken aback by the beauty of this country.

My favorite part was taking a horse back tour of the plantation. I would like to take this moment to make a public plea to my dad for a horse for Christmas. I ask for one every year, but so far it hasn't happened. Maybe this year, Dad?
"Pretty please?"
We will see if that works.

Happy December, friends.


1 comment:

  1. um, no.

    How 'bout a pet raccoon instead?
    They don't take up so much space (no room for a horsey in your apartment), don't have to be housebroken - they will simply dig thru the wall when they need to go outside, and they eat less.
