Sunday, November 4, 2012

Brownie Queen

Last Friday was my birthday, so for my students' morning journal I asked them what I should do to celebrate. By this time the back table had filled with brownies, serving as inspiration in my student's writing.

This was only a fraction of the brownies that the students brought...
Here are my students' birthday suggestions:
  • Miss Eberly can go to brownie world. She loves brownies a lot. For her birthday she will get a stomach ache. 
  • She can eat brownies and read at the same time. 
  • Miss Eberly should take her fourth graders to the movies!
  • She should go to the States and see her family. 
  • She should go shopping and buy something. 
  • Miss Eberly should share her brownies and have a brownie party with all her students!
  • She should read, read, READ!
  • She should go to the movies and give all her brownies to Kaleb. Next she should go to TGIFridays, then get on an airplane to see her parents. If you keep your brownies, be careful when you get on the plane, because there are so many brownies the plane might explode. You should really give the brownies to Kaleb. I don't want you to get fat, and I would like to become a sumo wrestler. 
  • The other teachers should buy her dinner. 
  • She should have sleeping time. 
  • Miss Eberly should: 1) eat brownies 2) get a massage 3) read Inkspell 4) just have the best day ever. 
  • She should have a free day from teaching.
  • She can be the Queen of Brownies!
Pretty good ideas! I am glad to know they support my love for reading and chocolate!

Brownie Party!

How I love, love, love my crazy students!
Thank you, God, for one more year of life!

Celebrating with dinner, a movie, and great friends (and no scary carnival rides)


  1. Someone is having waaaaay too much fun for an adult.

    just sayin'

  2. oooooh! I like me some brownies!
