Thursday, May 3, 2012

Book Day

In case you missed the news, last Friday was Book Day!

I have a not so secret passion for reading and books in general, so I freaked out a little when my principal told me the news. I passed on the excitement to my students, but I think my excitement might have surpassed theirs. A whole day devoted to books! You know I love seeing what my students are reading and celebrating with them when they finish a book. They love to check up on my reading progress and try to guess how many pages I read the night before. Book Day had an extra portion of celebrating books including:
Book show and tell
Dress like your favorite book character
Reading buddies with the younger graders
All of elementary having D.E.A.R. (drop everything and read) time together

Our favorite books and character costumes (that's my Jane Austen bonnet)!
Normal classroom chaos
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series is big in my class this year. These students are rocking their "Camp Half-Blood" t-shirts.

I love when they are reading!


  1. Now you know how I felt when you was but a tad........

  2. Laura honey,

    Love seeing you in your Jane Austen bonnet! I also love seeing all your students reading!

    Quote from Oswald Chambers: "Books are the blessed chloroform of the mind."

    Love you -
    Aunt Christine
