Saturday, March 15, 2014

Flying Ants

Imagine it's a hot day, about 95 degrees. Your house hasn't had running water for days, and you aren't necessarily hitting the definition of "clean". You've had a good, but long day at work. Once you arrive at your car, you set down your heavy bags in the seat next to you, get out your keys, and think about how refreshing it will feel when the cold blast of air conditioner will hit you. You turn the air conditioner nob and are surprised when you are hit in the face, not with cold air, but with dozens of flying ants. Ants that are now crawling over your body, face, and hair and are turning you into a driving hazard on the already hectic roads of Managua.

I found myself in this situation just a day or two ago.

It was mildly unpleasant to say the least. However, it did cause the light bulb to go off in my head. For the past week or so I had been covered in ants when I got home from school. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. First I assumed it was from my desk that I use at school. Then I decided there must be some food crumbs in my car that were attracting ants. Neither of those theories really added up because I couldn't find a group of ants in either of those places.

When I got blasted in the face by those ants that fine sunny afternoon, I remembered all the times in the past week when I had turned on my AC and assumed it was little pieces of debris and dust that were hitting my body. It is the dry season after all, and every inch of every surface is covered by dust. Now I know better. I haven't been showering with running water lately, or even dust, but ants.

And so my adventures with ants continue. 

In slightly related car news, I am finally getting four brand new tires today for my van. I am hoping this will solve all of my flat tire issues. For those of you who are counting, I think I am on flat tire number 14!

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