Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My New Bunch

Here they are! Meet my new bunch of students. They are funny, happy, and little goofy. I have twenty-one for now, and two more are coming soon.

I am excited about my classroom theme for this year: ROBOTS! Books, activities, lessons - so many fun things to do with robots.

My students' first bulletin board of the year:

Seven (mostly) successful days have passed of this new school year. We've relearned normal school behaviors that had been COMPLETELY forgotten over the summer and are now -- I think -- ready to begin the normal school routine. Can't wait.


  1. Love your room! Great robot stuff. Can hardly wait to hear about all the neat things you do, and how Jesus fits in with robots...LOL! Praying. Marylee ><>

  2. Think I spotted Taylor Swift in one of those photos. Yeah, yeah I did.

  3. Laura
    Your room looks wonderful and you are ready for school. Great pics of your students!
