We have been studying the printing press, the pony express, newspapers, and the spread of ideas in Social Studies class. A couple of weeks ago we went out to the soccer field and raced messages across the field in a mock pony express (minus the ponies). We decided current modes of transporting and communicating news is a lot more efficient.
Next we wreaked havoc at McDonald's, where we stopped for lunch.
Tomorrow is our last full day of school.
Monday we have a half day where my class will celebrate our accomplishment of reading over 1,000 books as a class. There will pizza, a movie, and of course, books!
Tuesday and Wednesday are also half days... and then we are done!
I am slightly overwhelmed with thoughts this week. My first year in Nicaragua is almost complete and God has done so much. I survived my first year as a teacher. The hardest year is behind me! I am excited for my two friends to come visit me in a week and a half... and then I'll be flying home for a summer visit! Thankful, blessed, excited, a little tired... I see God's goodness all around me.