Every morning when my 4th graders come in they look for their journal prompt on the board and begin the day by writing. Last week one of the prompts was "What should Miss Eberly do for her birthday?" Here were some of their answers:
She should buy pizza for the whole class
She should tell her friends to throw her a surprise party
She should buy a car
She should sleep in her bed
She should see her mom
She should eat pancakes
Not sure about the whole car and pancake idea, but I did get to see my mom! My brother's wedding was last Saturday and I got to fly home on my birthday and stay in Omaha for a few days for the occasion.
Me and Autumn |
Me and my Uncle Bill |
The Siblings! |
My best friends Shannon and Leah - how I missed them!
There was something that I was really looking forward to doing when I got home: go to Target. I know it sounds silly, but hear me out. In Nicaragua running errands is not always a pleasant experience. There is no mega store that is guaranteed to have all the different things that you are looking for. They might not supply it. They might not have in stock that month. Or it might be WAY more expensive than it should be. Running errands here is usually a whole day experience. Maybe one day Walmart will make its way to Nica, but not yet.
Though my time home was short, I was able to see most of my family and friends. I'll admit, living away from them has been hard. Being away from home has been hard. Every day here is a learning experience. Learning where things are, the correct way to say something in Spanish, how to keep my shoes from molding, how to stay sane when there are ant invasions. Its just little things, things like knowing what to do and how to act and how to order food that I took for granted before. I didn't even know those were things
to take for granted. Now I see how much God is stretching me just by simply being here, living a life that is out of my comfort zone and outside the realm of things I know and understand.
Thankfully, He both
knows and
P.S. Thank you to everyone who spoiled me while I was home. I love you and miss you and am thankful that you are in my life.